New Album Release
Angels in Flight
This Prophetic Album includes 17 beats that were built to influence, to inspire, to capture, to study, to pray, to prophecy, to impart, to provoke, and to declare and decree the Kingdom of God. My music paints a picture without physical colors or paper or words. It is the spirit of God that is speaking and each title is a prophetic decree. The title is someting you will feel as a listener. The songs will empower, deliver and set you free from the warfare you are encountering.

Elijah Elohim Beats NFT’s
These are unreleased tracks that include un lockable utility
Only Time will Tell
Do U Luv
Dreamt About It
In the Shadows
Holding On
Transitions and Dreams
My Love
About Me
My Brand | My Story | My Message
The Beginning…
Elijah Elohim Beats was born in the fall of 2017 as I was walking through Best Buy as I was working. I was messing around with an iPad that was given to me to help customers. When I opened up Garage Band I started to make beats. That’s where everything began to happen. It was something I had no idea I possessed. I was having so much fun creating tracks but at the same time i felt like they where weapons I was creating. They where prophetic utterances in the form of a prophetic Hip Hop Beat. Not long after I started to grab ahold of my gift the name Elijah Elohim Beats came into my Spirit, which in the Hebrew means ” My God, The Creator.

The Glory…
Over the next several months I began to create lots of tracks and had over 50 beats in my library. At the end of April in 2020, I officially launched my Social media platforms and partnered with Distrokid to distribute 12 of my releases to 26 different platforms throughout the world. Then in the second week of August when times got extremely tough, I received a vision from God to design the anointing oil. Thats when Elijah Elohim Frankincense and Myrrh Anointing Oil was created and completed within 2 weeks of the vision. Also, I am very excited to announce that I am launching my apparel line very soon! I will be doing pre orders when im ready to launch. Amen.
The Blessing…
There are many scriptures in the Bible that teach us the significance of using olive oil. The one I chose to put on the bottle is written in Mark 6:13 that declares “And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many who were sick, and healing them.” The Oil smells heavenly and is very unique.
Elijah Elohim Beats isn’t just a name its also a Brand, a Ministry, My Calling and Gift. It’s my way of life. I have been supernaturally blessed to steward this ministry and I will continue to walk by Faith and not by sight. Just this year, I launched my Beats, My Brand and my Company and was officially incorporated on November 12th, 2020 as Elijah Elohim Beats LLC. To God I give all the Glory because it’s all His. What is impossible with man is possible with God. Luke 18:27

Web2/Web3 Released Tracks
Prophetic Hip Hop Beats
A Prophetic Collective
Do It For The Father
Say A Prayer
U got me
By Faith
Street Cleansing
Let Go
Going Down In History
The Year Of The Called
She Dont Love You
The Prophets Reward
A New Fire
Follow Me
Runaway Train To A Savior
My Time To Shine
Dancing In The Glory
You Made It
Lay Down My Life
Get Back Up
Not Over
Show Stopper
The Fire of God
Close as it Gets
Psalms 23
Walking with God
Angels in Flight
All Falls Down
The Chosen Ones
He Is
Soaking N The Fire
Only One
I Am Everlasting
Demon Slaying
Fury of Fire
Ego Trip
Breathe Again
Lost Without You

Elijah Elohim Beats
Prophetic Hip Hop Beats
Elijah Elohim Beats was born to advance the Kingdom of God. My creative sound disrupts the atmosphere so that people are no longer distracted by the noise of the world and tune in to their spirit. When I’m in the studio creating I’m also having Father and son time with God. It’s how we come together and communicate. It’ s my prayer time, purpose and call. My beats are also designed as weapons of warfare to be used as a tool to teach, preach and prophecy.
Do it for the Father

Featured Live Stream
Listen, Create & Follow Your Destiny

Anointing Oil
Elijah Elohim Frankincense and Myrrh Anointing Oil was created in August of 2020 in Elijah Elohim Beats Studios. There are many scriptures in the Bible that teach us the significance of using olive oil. And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many who were sick, and healing them Mark 6:13. Our oil smells heavenly and is very unique.
Contact Us
Thank you for Your support and for allowing us to bless you with our gifts of music, anointing oil and soon to be apparel.